**Green text indicates a hyperlink. Click for more information. 

The week of May 6th your CSEA Board of Directors received the resignation of Thad Gemski as UniServ Director.  Depending on the Unit’s transition needs, with which he will assist, the resignation is set at or around August 1st.  We wanted Thad to have the chance to address the membership he has served for over a decade—longer than any CSEA UD in the past thirty years:

As CSEA UniServ Director for the past 11 years, I learned that no day is predictable.  The work, with its intensity and gravity, is important whether it is advocacy for members, helping school staff achieve their goals, or keeping an eye on the many attacks on public education.  It is fulfilling, stressful, and rewarding work because of the cause and the ability to work with teachers directly.

Our collective efforts have resulted in many victories and achievements.  We have built power by staying focused on our unifying values rather than the distractions of those seeking to divide us.  For me, having the opportunity to be part of and to help guide this movement is a career highlight.  In other words, this decision to leave my role as UniServ Director has not been easy, but it is the right decision.   In the most simple terms, a number of personal circumstances converged.   Thanks to all of you, especially those who have served as ARs, Board members, and activists in CSEA.  I think we all know that when we work together toward our goal, amazing things happen for staff, students, and the community.  I will continue helping with these efforts because it matters to me.  That help will be as a community member and public education supporter.   

Thad indeed possesses a wealth of knowledge.  At the same time, this provides the Board and incoming president the opportunity to hire someone new specifically for the needs they define for the future work of CSEA.  To that end, we have posted the job state-wide and even nationally.  Members wishing to see the advertisement should go to https://www.unionjobs.com/listing.php?id=26675

Member Approved Tentative Agreement

The CSEA and District Bargaining Teams worked over the past several months and we were able to come to agreement on several issues affecting the working conditions and compensation of teachers.  This package received a unanimous recommendation from the CSEA Board of Directors. We present all the changes to you here 

Master Agreement and Salary Schedule 

Master Agreement 2023-2025

Stipend Information: What are stipends?

How-To: Using BoardDocs, the School Board’s web site with calendar of meetings, agendas, how to watch meetings, video recordings of previous meetings, how to submit comments to be read at meetings, and more.

Evaluation & Other Professional Practice Information

Teacher Evaluation Tool Check List 2023-24

MSL Database

Schools across D11 seemed to have varying level of expectations for MSLs and Personal Growth Plans (PGPs). Some school staff has been advised by admin to create very difficult MSLs/PGPs. Additionally, with our current school board situation, we may see more pressure for extreme MSLs/PGPs. MSLs/PGPs are often created with input only from our admin and with no knowledge of expectations for at other locations. This creates an uneven playing field.

To help staff develop reasonable MSLs/PGPs and to follow changes to expectations over time, CSEA is creating a repository of MSLs and PGPs. This information is to help teachers in future years when writing these measures. It will be shared on the member side of the CSEA website.

Please enter your MSLs/PGPs here. Access to the data will be available here once collected and will be periodically updated.

CDE Teacher Evaluation User’s Guide & Information

D-11 Evaluation Cycle

D-11 Evaluation Protocol

Evaluation – Addendum Resource Guide For Deepening The Understanding Of Teachers’ Professional Practices

Lesson Planning in D11 – Google Docs

Safety Protocol Mgmt Directive MD-A2

Possible Steps to take with Aggressive and/or Violent Students – student safety and violence documents for ARs

Seniority List

District 11 Seniority List October 2023

District 11 Seniority List September 2022

District 11 Seniority List October 2021

District 11 Seniority List October 2020

CONTRACT VIDEOSExplanations of the Master Agreement:

#1 – Faculty Meetings – What are they?

#2 – Curriculum Development and Review – Teachers’ Roles and Rights

#3 – Complaints Against Teachers – Process and Rights

#4 – Representation – Your Rights To Have Others Present

#5 – Your Access to Buildings – After Hours and Weekends

#6 – Facilities, Materials, And Supplies – Minimums Items Provided

#7 – Monitoring Contacts – Work/Personal Balance

#8 – Evaluation – Process and Timelines

#9 – Substitute Coverage – Your Rights and Responsibilities

#10 – Plan Time – Time You Direct

Educators Employment Liability Insurance Policy

Below is a link to the 2023-2024 liability insurance policy that is a benefit of your membership in the Association.

Colorado 2023-24 NEA EEL Program Overview QA Brochure

Colorado 2023-24 NEA EEL Program Overview QA Brochure_ESP

Colorado 2023-2024 NEA EEL Certificate

Teacher Credit through CSEA

2023-2024 How to Get Activism Credit

Bylaws and Organizational Documents of Interest

CSEA Bylaws Adopted 2020

Articles of Incorporation